Paul Metsa

Paul Metsa is a legendary guitar player and songwriter from Minnesota. He was born and raised on the Iron Range and moved to Minneapolis in 1978. In 2021, Paul sold his house and then moved Duluth where he currently lives. He has received seven Minnesota Music Awards and has played more than five thousand gigs, including forays to Iceland and Siberia. Paul is a radio and television host and is author three books: the memoir of Blue Guitar Highway, 2023’s Alphabet Soup, and the recently published Blood in the Tracks (The Minnesota Musicians Behind Dylan’s Masterpiece).

“Like the Iron Range-and Dylan for that matter-Metsa is a hodge-podge of characters and performers. He’s a folksinger, a blues singer, a guitarist, a social activist, a Finn, a storyteller, a comedian, a philosopher, a conspiracy theorist, and a lounge lizard.”
